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Dear Jacky, 

We’ve made it to the end of this series. We’ve been selective. We’ve chosen the most important things to throw our energy towards. We’ve listed out a million roads to get there. Now what? Now we surround ourselves with the life we want. I’m sure you’ve heard of manifesting things and maybe you’re a big believer or maybe you think that’s a little “woo woo” for your taste. I’m not going to say that I’m a hook, line and sinker believer in manifestation but I think it can’t hurt. If the world, the cosmos, God or whatever force you believe in wants to give me the desires of my heart, who I am to prevent that? (laughing a little) I will do all the things and maybe they work or maybe they don’t. I mostly treat everything like a science experiment and just see if it works. 

A few years ago I completed a book with 49 days that I did with an online book group I created during COVID. One of the days required you to make a vision board and I’ve continued to make one every year since. The picture above is a very tiny part of two of my vision boards overlapping. I think the purpose behind the vision board was supposed to be manifestation. I will say there are years I get to the end of the year and it’s mind blowing to me how many things on that board happened albeit some not exactly as I intended but they happened all the same. To me, I think the power of the vision board is the (subconscious because I certainly didn’t stare hard at that board most days) reminder of what I’m working towards. I go through magazines, I cut out anything that sparks my interest and then lay out my board and inevitably I have to throw away some of the things because they won’t all fit. It’s a good exercise in choosing what I want my life to really look like. I have to pick the most important things to go on the board. I create the board and then I put it on my chest of drawers and leave it there all year long. I literally packed my vision board in the bottom of my suitcase when I moved to Boston and only took 2 suitcases to move. That’s where it ranked on my priority list. The vision board keeps what I want my life to look like right in front of me almost every day of the year. It’s a constant reminder (though like I said maybe subconscious) of the life I want to live and what I’m building.

I leave myself reminders everywhere possible of who and what I want to be and how I want to live.

I think reminders and words and mantras impact how you live your life. So I put them anywhere I can. The background of my phone screen always holds a quote of some type. A little reminder of whatever I’m trying to embody mentally. It’s been things like “Breathe” in a very hectic time of life and trying to find a job or “Be Brave” when I first started rebuilding my life. Sometimes I need little reminders like “Give it time. Give it space.” when I’m impatient and am expecting overnight miracles (I mean it could happen but most of the time we need to be patient to see movement) or “trust the timing of your life” when I want to doubt how everything is turning out. 

I have things like this everywhere. Hanging from my rearview mirror. Hanging on the walls of my old office was the sign “it’s a good day to have a good day.” I take dry erase markers and write things on the mirrors in my bathrooms. Sometimes it’s bible verses or quotes or a tally of how many times I’ve listened to the same podcast to remind myself to have faith. I buy notebooks with good sayings on the front. Planners with reminders to follow your dreams. I leave myself reminders everywhere possible of who and what I want to be and how I want to live. I make lists and track a lot of things all as reminders of where I’m going and as a mental trick to make sure I never give up. 

I love things like this. It’s what keeps me going when I experience hard times or failure. People know this and so they send me things. This year someone sent me a tik tok or a reel of a couple that marked champagne bottles with their goals or milestones (I can’t remember exactly) and they would open them when they hit that milestone. I’m not a fan of champagne but I am a fan of wine so I decided to try it for fun. I bought 3 bottles of wine, 2 I’d like to try and one I know I already love. I marked each of my goals on them and then I lined them up next to my stove so every day as I go to make coffee I see them. I see them any time I’m in my kitchen and they are yet another reminder of what my goals are for this year. When I achieve each one, I’m going to open the wine with friends to celebrate. 

Write all the things down. Create the vision boards. Leave reminders everywhere. You’re going places Jacky and we’re cheering you on. 

I hope your walls spell out your dreams, 
